Title 24 Compliance Approaches
In order to meet the low-rise Residential Standards in California, a building must satisfy two fundamental criteria:
- Mandatory Measures Installation: Incorporating prescribed energy efficiency measures into the design.
- Annual Energy Consumption Demonstration: Ensuring that the building’s predicted annual energy usage does not exceed the allocated energy budget for heating, cooling, and water heating.
Two Energy Compliance Methods in California: Prescriptive and Performance
Prescriptive Title 24 Compliance: The prescriptive compliance approach is structured around predefined packages. It’s straightforward but relatively inflexible in terms of design choices.
Performance Title 24 Compliance: The performance compliance method serves as a flexible alternative to prescriptive requirements. It involves using approved computer programs to model a building with characteristics aligning with Package D. This modeling helps determine the budget for space conditioning and water heating. The performance path allows trade-offs between various building components (e.g., walls, roofs, windows, equipment) as long as the overall energy consumption remains within the permitted limits of kBTU per square foot.
Our Use of Prescriptive and Performance Title 24 Compliance Methods: Residential and Non-Residential Reports
We leverage both prescriptive and performance compliance methods to provide comprehensive Title 24 compliance solutions for both residential and non-residential projects. This ensures that your building meets the required energy standards while allowing flexibility in design choices.
Regardless of the compliance path chosen, there are always mandatory measures that must be incorporated into the project to ensure energy efficiency and adherence to Title 24 regulations.